Fall In Love With Your Business Again

Fall In Love With Your Business Again

Blog Article

Why did you start your business? Most business owners start their businesses because they desire personal freedom. They want to be their own boss. They have a great idea that they want to try. They are in love with all of 속초한국마사지 these ideas. When you started your business, I bet you were full of passion and excitement. It was like the first days of a new romance. All you could think about or talk about was your business. What an exciting time.

Today, on Valentines Day, Id like to ask you to fall in love again. In the time since you started your business, youve been through a lot. Youve worked hard. Youve had some rewards. Your love of the business has ebbed and flowed. Ask yourself now, are you in love with your business still or has it just turned into a partner, a faithful companion?

If you answered the latter, I have some suggestions for you to rekindle the flame. Some of these are right out of a marriage counselors book.

1. Take 양평왁싱 some time away. Absence does make the heart grow fonder. Take a little time off and reconnect with the reasons that you started your business. Reconnect with the excitement you had at the start. Relive the dream. Really let yourself feel what you felt at the start.

2. Ask 평택1인샵 yourself what you really love about your business. Some of the work you love, some of it is just plain old work. Focus on what you enjoy. Appreciate whats working. Develop systems to make the hard work easier. Delegate the work you dont enjoy. Get outside help. Do what you love and give the rest away.

3. Make a plan. Make a plan to get yourself out of overwhelm and back doing the work that you really enjoy. Put it in writing. Dust off your business plan. Read the first page where you wrote all the exciting stuff about what a great business you have. Having a written plan eases stress and gets you back in charge. Youll feel powerful with a plan.

4. Share your excitement. With your new plan and your renewed vision get out there and tell people about it. Just like after your first dates when thats all youd talk about, share your enthusiasm. Share the feelings of freedom you enjoy. Being in love is contagious and youll be amazed at the difference this makes in your business and your life.

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