Pathological Narcissism, Psychosis, and Delusions

One of the most important symptoms of pathological narcissism (the Narcissistic Personality Disorder) is grandiosity. Grandiose fantasies (megalomaniac delusions of grandeur) permeate every aspect of the narcissist’s personality. They are the reason that the narcissist feels entitled to special treatment which is typically incommensurate with

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Planning Your Homeschooling Effectively

Many parents make the decision to homeschool their children, and in doing so are privy to some clear benefits. Homeschooling allows you to tailor a specific education to your child’s individual needs, something that is often lacking in the public or private school systems. Homeschooling also allows you and your child

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The Best Position For Speed Reading

Speed reading is an acquired skill. Its not something that can be done by just anyone and its also not something that can be done anywhere. You wont often see a person holding a book in their hand and speed reading as they are sitting on a park bench or riding on a bus. It requires not only a place of concentration but also

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Homeschooling 101: Grading Your Childs Work

Homeschooling is slowly becoming a trend for some families. It has many advantages, from the academic, social, moral to the religious point of view while several parents cite other child-centered reasons (like their childrens health or safety). These reasons (or a combination of them) have been what most homeschooling famil

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The Attack of the Nerds: Bullying in Cyberspace

We are all familiar with the stereotypical image of the school bully tormenting all of his or her classmates. This can be the cause of increased levels of anxiety and stress among its victims. But with the advent of the Internet comes a different kind of bullying called cyber-bullying. Cyber-bullying, also referred to as e

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